One of the coolest recent studies shows that acupuncture not only works at a local anatomical level, but that it actually causes the brain to rewrite its mental map of the body. In this randomized control experiment, researchers looked at patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. What they found was that acupuncture relieved the local pain symptoms in the wrist, and...
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Sleep. For some it’s elusive, for other’s it’s a nuisance, but for everyone it’s essential. And here in our clinic, in “the city that never sleeps,” we hear a lot about people’s relationship to rest.
Researchers loosely agree that 7-9 hours is the necessary snoozing time needed by the average adult. But many New Yorkers spend their days actively fighting to beat this basic need.
In fact, disrupted sleep cycles are at the root of so many of symptoms that we see here at BAP, that we’ve put together a short guide to good sleep hygiene...
We have entered into some uncharted waters. While what is happening in our collective reality has hints of patterns from the past, there has never been another now.... We are at a place now in history where we need all hands on deck, all organ systems in full working order, and all past behind us.
It’s that time again! The holidays are upon us and we are off to join friends and family to celebrate and bring in a New Year. At the center of every celebration is likely a feast or at least a great cocktail hour! The question is – can you handle all the food, booze and deserts that come across your palette? Do you struggle when you travel to keep your diet in line?
Here are my 5 simple and smart tips for making it through this year’s holiday travel schedule by all modes of travel.
We are now in the deepest, darkest, most still, and receptive time in the wheel of the year as the Yin energy is full. On the winter solstice (DEC 21) the tiniest spark of Yang Qi appears in the darkness to lift us up into lighter times. This miracle of the return of the light is what all of our winter holiday festivals are based on. Listen into the magic of this time...
It's been a wild ride this week. And wherever you may be on that rollercoaster, we just want to remind you that we are here for you. With massage, sound baths, acupuncture, reiki, leadership coaching, and therapy you can treat yourself to you-time and tune into what's important. In the meantime, here's a little inspiration from the wonderful Maya Angelou:
The following recipe combines the benefits of bone broth with Chinese herbs. Many of us have already experienced a cold this fall as the seasons make their shift. Eating this soup periodically can help keep our immune systems...
Divination is an old-fashioned word for how we can provoke the universe into furnishing us with signs and symbols to guide us along our path in life. And learning to navigate that world is the theme of Jonathan Edwards upcoming workshop series at BAP. In this interview Jonathan talks about what we can expect from his class, the role divination plays in his work as a healer, and how plants can be our guides through the world of dreams and symbols.
There's no two bits about it, Reiki is gaining some major-momentous-universe-force right now. Reiki may have been something you associate with your hippie neighbor, but there's a reason why more hospitals, nursing homes, day care centers, health care communities and all kinds of celebrities are turning towards this healing modality...
We now have weekly dedicated pediatric shifts for needle-free treatments. Our resident pediatric practitioner, Alexandra Garcia, answers some of the most common questions here:
Getting meals on the table day-in and day-out isn't easy. We are busy. We are tired. We are overwhelmed by the thought of cooking every night. Cooking for yourself gives you control over what you are eating, saves a ton of money, and makes you feel better almost immediately. Changing your habits around cooking is easier than you think. Here are my top 5 strategies for conquering meal planning . . .
Shortly after the horrific Orlando shootings, my practice made a drastic shift. Anxiety/PTSD/Depression/Insomnia made up about 15% of my practice before the massacre. In the days, weeks, and months that followed this percentage shot up to well over 50%. The LGBTQ community is experiencing a collective trauma response that deserves to be recognized. Many of our community members face trauma triggers in everyday life from past experiences. ..Even though
Imagine our world map without borders. Zoom out and see the Earth as it is. It is amazing to think it's only been 45 years since that first photo of Earth from the NASA Lunar Orbiter 1 was taken. This was the first time in history that humans could actually see the planet as a whole and while that pivotal moment changed our consciousness to some degree, the magnitude of critical imbalances on the earth now calls for another level of action...
Sound healing opens us to the vision of our life purpose beyond our trauma, and gives us the strength and resilience to stay focused and engaged with this higher purpose. It is a tool for healing, a friend, ally and catalyst for leadership, because it stimulates the development of our consciousness. Sound cultivates the embodied confidence to see clearly and move through the patterns that block us from stepping into the power of our gifts and serve wholeheartedly.
Discipline isn’t only about hard work or deprivation, though. It’s about being strict in some ways, but generous in others. It’s about giving yourself the things that you really love. Taking the time to treat yourself with care
Today I aim to shed some light on the dynamics of these holiday blues and how to bounce back to vibrant health with a minimum of fuss.
At the root of the problem is overeating, especially of processed or refined foods (though it’s possible to get sick even from eating too much kale salad). Whatever it is that we overeat, our systems have to deal with..
We love supporting our patients in their path toward parenthood. From conception to postpartum, we’ve seen so many uniquely beautiful stories unfold. We feel inspired to create a special place for this at BAP, so in the coming months we’ll be offering up some new programs to the community.
Five elements.” The phrase conjures different reactions depending on the audience. For historians, it’s an ancient paradigm derived from Chinese astrology; for Chinese medicine students it’s an explanation of psychoemotional patterns; for the scientifically inclined it’s a bridge between ancient medicine and modern biophysics. But for Jonathan Edwards it is first and foremost a visceral experience. The five elements are...
Today I’d like to use this soapbox to call out a morbid tendency amongst the privileged, myself included: a tendency towards perfectionism, a.k.a. pickiness. Why is this a problem? Because if we can’t avoid focusing on flaws, we’ll never be at peace. There’s a scratch in even the smoothest surface (or there will be soon enough). This article’s about not letting it ruin your day—which is easier said than done.
You may be wondering by now just what this post has to do with health or natural medicine. But dig: our health depends on our actions, which depend on our thought patterns, which depend on our beliefs and attitudes. Something as subtle as a shift in attitude can have major downstream effects on our health. And, as a healer with an interest in that ultimate (if troublesome) patient, the body politic, I’ve noticed that collective body is gravely gratitude-deficient.