What is trauma? How can we heal ourselves so that we can live fully and contribute our precious gifts to the whole of life? Trauma is, quite simply, when we get stuck at a particular stage of development because of an experience of wounding. Our perspective shrinks to a narrow focus on our need to heal that particular wound. Sound healing is an ancient healing modality that is re-emerging because it's effective and relevant. For example, the didgeridoo, an aboriginal australian instrument used for vibrational healing of physical, emotional and psychological pain, is said to be 40,000 years old.
Sound healing is effective because it does three things really well:
Sound calms our nervous system: When we get triggered, our nervous system feels scared, and shifts into a completely different way of processing information and making decisions, such as visual cues, ideas and thoughts that are presented to, body language, and tone of voice.
Sound creates space and objectivity in our minds and emotional body: When we engage in sound practices or receive sound healing from a practitioner, we are able to effectively transition from the perspective that “I am the wound” to “I have a wounded part of me that I am able heal,” which includes reaching out to others for support (healing practitioners, friends, and family).
Sound refocuses us towards a positive vision for our life and future: Just like a movie soundtrack, sound healing returns us to a balanced awareness where we feel the courage and strength to connect with our life purpose - what is most important to us - and what inspires us - what makes us happy, joyful and confident.
There is an ancient story that says when we are babies in the wombs of our mother, an angel comes and teaches us everything we need to know in order to live our destiny in life. Right before we are born, the angel taps us on the cleft of our upper lip, and we forget everything. This is perhaps the first universal trauma that all human beings experience - to forget who we are, what we are here to do, and how to go about living our lives. But, it is our wounds that become the doorways to our greatest gifts. The path of healing is about remembering who we are and what we are here to do, and to have the courage to do it.
Sound healing opens us to the vision of our life purpose beyond our trauma, and gives us the strength and resilience to stay focused and engaged with this higher purpose. It is a tool for healing, a friend, ally and catalyst for leadership, because it stimulates the development of our consciousness. Sound cultivates the embodied confidence to see clearly and move through the patterns that block us from stepping into the power of our gifts and serve wholeheartedly.
Lastly, healing sounds have the potential to transmit intelligent information that is vital to effective development and decision-making. What is one thing that you feel inspired to do in the coming week after reading this article?
Lev Natan is certified as an Integrative Sound and Music Practitioner through The New York Open Center's Sound & Music Institute. He utilizes sound healing to create a safe and creative space for his clients to access the deeper intelligence and creative imagination that’s necessary to effectively navigate life, relationships, career, and health in these times of change. He has worked extensively with entrepreneurs, healing practitioners, and social impact business owners who are looking to create more effective and lucrative ways of bringing their mission to life. He is an advocate and trusted advisor for whole-hearted leadership in business and is committed to guide our world towards a future that is wise, courageous, and aligned with principles and values that are humane and hold life and nature as sacred. Feel free to contact Lev directly at (845) 389-3622 or lev@themedicinetree.com.