Dear BAP Community,

Today's Full Moon is the last full moon of the Metal Rat year in Chinese cosmology. The Rat is associated with the Gallbladder organ/meridian and is said to be the pivot between dark and light. The time of day associated with the Rat is midnight when the heavy dark Yin energy transforms into the initial phases of light bright Yang rising up again. Hallelujah!

On February 12th, 2021 we will enter the year of the Yin Metal OX. The Ox is related to the Liver organ/meridian and the time of 1-3 am. Both the Gallbladder and Liver are Wood element organs and thusly the associated years are also governed by Wood. Wood makes things happen. It is the energy of all things green and growing, roots busting through concrete, creative revolution, and clear vision. Wood is onward and upward all the way while the the Yin Metal (Lung) influence this year brings an inward and downward counterbalance.

In Five Element theory, Metal "controls" Wood which means it keeps that upward energy from getting unruly; much like trimming back a plant so that it can grow healthier. The interplay between Metal and Wood is a good one! Wood can get frustrated with perceived restrictions but like an Ox with an entire field to plow, the organizing principles of Metal can make the work more efficient and effective.

We sure do have our work cut out for us this year so good thing these cosmic arrangements are on our side!

At BAP, we are here for you with time tested tools to help support and maintain the energy needed to play your part in the larger force of healing needed now. Whether it be herbs to help you sleep better, a class to teach you about self care practices, an acupuncture treatment to unblock your sinus', or a body work session to free up your low back; taking care of your self IS subtle activism. If you are feeling better you are thinking clearer, finding more compassion, having the resilience to reach your goals, and spreading that good energy far and wide. This is precisely why we are here doing what we do!

Please lean into us for support this season as we move out of the deep Waters of Winter in to the wee Wood hours of Spring. THIS is the time to treat to prevent spring allergies. This is the time to strengthen your entire system for the year to come. This is also the time to support your body whether or not you choose to get the vaccine as acupuncture/herbs/nutrition can ameliorate any possible side effects AND we are VERY successfully using herbs for COVID prevention and treatment. Just ask!

Thank you all for your kind attention and have a wonderful full moon! Today is also Tu B' Shevat (the birthday of the trees) in the Jewish tradition and the New Moon/Chinese New Year will also be Imbolc or Candlemas (when the sap begins to rise) in the Celtic traditions so...we're on to something up in this hemisphere! In the rhythms of the natural world, there is always something to celebrate and learn from.

WIth Love,

Sarah Natan
founder/owner at BAP
